
flower and pod stage Learn more about flower and pod stage

  • The latest key points of soybean flower and pod stage management

    The latest key points of soybean flower and pod stage management

    The management of the flowering and pod stage of soybean is related to the final yield of soybean planting and the income of farmers. Once the management is improper, the yield will be reduced and the harvest will be lost. So how to manage the flowering and pod period of big beans? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction. 1. Fertilizing soybeans in

    2020-11-10 Most Xinda bean flower pod stage management key points soybean flower and pod stage
  • Cultivation techniques and management of soybean: a few months after soybean flower germination? Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

    Cultivation techniques and management of soybean: a few months after soybean flower germination? Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

    Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

  • Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

    Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

    Key points of management of flowering and pod stage of soybean

  • Beware of falling flowers and pods of soybean

    Beware of falling flowers and pods of soybean

    The drop of flowers and pods of soybean is the main factor affecting the increase of soybean yield. in production, the rate of flowers and pods of soybean is generally about 45% and 70%. The most flowers fell at 5 days after flowering and pods fell at 15 days at 10 days after flowering. In order to increase the yield of soybeans, great efforts must be made to prevent flowers and pods from falling. 1. The reasons for falling flowers and pods 1. Poor ventilation and light transmission due to excessive planting density and poor planting technology, resulting in overgrowth and overgrowth.

  • Management of soybean flower pod stage

    Management of soybean flower pod stage

    Bean flower pod stage requires strong stems, thick green leaves, no spots. Field management is mainly to prevent premature aging, control excessive growth, protect flowers and increase pods, prevent shedding. 1. The flowering and pod setting period of soybean is the period when soybean absorbs most fertilizer. The yield of soybean can be increased by more than 15% by applying flower fertilizer skillfully. Soybean initial flowering stage generally every 667 square meters of urea 5-10 kg, poor growth should be more, strong growth luxuriant, should be less or not chase. Nitrogen fertilizer is applied in coordination with flowering stage, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, boron, molybdenum and other trace fertilizers are sprayed on leaves. Generally spray twice, each time

  • Management measures for flowering and pod stage of soybean

    Management measures for flowering and pod stage of soybean

    The main results are as follows: 1. The practice of topdressing flower and pod fertilizer shows that topdressing at flowering and pod setting stage has obvious effect on increasing flower and protecting pod, reducing shedding and increasing yield. Fertilization method: in the early flowering stage of soybean (early growth, delayed growth), 5-10 kg urea per mu. If the soil has strong fertility and the plant grows healthily, it should be applied less or not, so as not to cause the plant to grow madly, cause lodging or increase the shedding of flowers and pods. Combined with topdressing nitrogen fertilizer at flowering stage, foliar spraying phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, boron, molybdenum and other micro-fertilizer, it has a better effect of increasing yield. 2. Drought resistance

  • Less pods and less seeds affect the yield of edamame bean in early spring

    Less pods and less seeds affect the yield of edamame bean in early spring

    Less pods and less seeds affect the yield of edamame bean in early spring

  • The latest key points for the management of flower and pod stage of flat beans

    The latest key points for the management of flower and pod stage of flat beans

    The florescence of lentils is the critical period of pollination and fruit setting, and the management of this period is very important. The florescence digests a large amount of nutrients and has a great demand for fertilizer. So how to manage the florescence of lentils? How to apply fertilizer? Let's get to know it. 1. Temperature

    2020-11-10 Latest flat bean flower pod period management key points lentil florescence
  • Comprehensive management of flowering and podding stage of soybean

    Comprehensive management of flowering and podding stage of soybean

    Soybean enters the flowering and podding stage, during which vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, which requires sufficient water, fertilizer and light conditions. In cultivation measures, the coordination of vegetative growth and reproductive growth should be achieved to achieve more pods and seeds. The main measures should be as follows-ldquo; three prevention-rdquo; and strengthen the management of seed filling and mature stage. & ldquo; three prevention & rdquo; measures at flowering and podding stage (1) prevent prosperous growth: when soybean has seen 2 bolts bloom, use 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder 30 grams per mu, 40 kg to water, spray seal

  • Causes of Soybean Flower Drop and Its Control Techniques

    Causes of Soybean Flower Drop and Its Control Techniques

    There are many reasons for soybean flower drop and pod drop, mainly: poor ventilation and light transmission soybean is easy to cause flower drop and pod drop under poor ventilation and light transmission conditions. Soybean planting due to improper varieties, premature ridge closure, but also due to excessive density, branches and leaves shield each other, coupled with high humidity, poor light, low chlorophyll content of leaves, so that soybean plants gradually yellow. Nutrient accumulation is little, cause flower pod to fall off. The flower and pod dropping stage of nutrient imbalance soybean is the period of highest nutrient demand. If the nutrient supply is insufficient, the flower and pod will fall off. Fertilizer requirements for soybeans

  • Eight measures to increase soybean production

    Eight measures to increase soybean production

    One is to apply fertilizer to flowers and pods. The growth and development of soybean is the most exuberant in the flowering and podding stage, and it is the period in which soybean needs the most fertilizer in its life. The application of flower and pod fertilizer can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods, promote the fullness of grains and improve the quality. Flower and pod fertilizer should be applied at the early flowering stage, with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, urea 3kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer 7.5kg / mu, hole application at 5 cm on the side of soybean root, and soil cover fertilizer after application. The second is to spray foliar fertilizer. In addition to the three major elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, boron, zinc and molybdenum are indispensable trace elements in soybean. Therefore, during the period from flowering to grain filling,

  • How to control soybean pods without fruit and affect soybean yield

    How to control soybean pods without fruit and affect soybean yield

    How to control soybean pods without fruit and affect soybean yield

  • Soybean cultivation: the cause of falling flowers and pods of soybean?

    Soybean cultivation: the cause of falling flowers and pods of soybean?

    The reason for the falling flowers and pods of soybeans? Please introduce and guide the prevention and control methods of soybean falling flowers and pods, the main factors are: 1, poor ventilation and light transmission; due to excessive planting density, poor planting technology, causing overgrowth, premature row closure, deterioration of lower light conditions of the plant, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves, less nutrition manufacturing and accumulation.

  • Causes of falling flowers and pods of broad bean and its control measures

    Causes of falling flowers and pods of broad bean and its control measures

    Causes of falling flowers and pods of broad bean and its control measures

  • Prevention of soybean flower and pod shedding

    Prevention of soybean flower and pod shedding

    First, topdressing because of the land and the seedlings. The field in which the plant can not be closed in time due to lack of fertilizer at flowering stage can be fertilized again at the early flowering stage. Generally, 5 kg urea or 10 kg ammonium sulfate per mu can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods. Second, spraying fertilizer outside the root. In flowering and pod stage, 0.5 kg urea, 1.5 kg superphosphate, 0.25 kg potassium sulfate, 25 g borax and 50 kg water are used to spray the leachate per mu, which is suitable for spraying on cloudy days or after 4: 00 p. M., which is beneficial to flower protection, pod and grain increase.

  • How to prevent the shedding of soybean flowers and pods when planting soybean

    How to prevent the shedding of soybean flowers and pods when planting soybean

    First, topdressing because of the land and the seedlings. The field in which the plant can not be closed in time due to lack of fertilizer at flowering stage can be fertilized again at the early flowering stage. Generally, 5 kg urea or 10 kg ammonium sulfate per mu can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods. Second, spraying fertilizer outside the root. Usually use urine per mu during the flowering and pod period.

    2020-11-08 Species soybeans how to prevent big bean flowers pods shedding one due to the ground
  • The causes and control measures of the latest broad bean falling flowers and pods

    The causes and control measures of the latest broad bean falling flowers and pods

    Broad bean, also known as Nandou and Fodou, is a crop of vegetables, grain and feed green manure, which is widely planted in many areas, but there are a large number of flowers and pods when planting, which affects the yield of broad bean and the economy of farmers.

    2020-11-10 The latest broad bean falling flowers pods reasons and control measures
  • Soybean cultivation: is there any way to increase production by growing soybeans?

    Soybean cultivation: is there any way to increase production by growing soybeans?

    Is there any way to increase production by growing soybeans? Please introduce the method of planting soybean in order to obtain high yield, you can refer to the following methods for management: 1. The growth and development of soybean is the most exuberant in the flowering and podding stage of topdressing, which is the period when soybean needs the most fertilizer in its life. The application of flower and pod fertilizer can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods and promote seeds.

  • The causes of cowpea falling at home and its control methods

    The causes of cowpea falling at home and its control methods

    The causes of cowpea falling at home and its control methods

  • Field management techniques of soybean in the middle and later stage

    Field management techniques of soybean in the middle and later stage

    1. Management of flowering and podding period the main task of this period is to strive for more flowers, early flowering, full flowering, increasing flowers and pods, and preventing the shedding of flowers and pods. It is necessary to look at seedling management, the combination of protection and control, high-yield fields to control mainly, to avoid premature ridge closure, in order to achieve the maximum leaf area at the end of flowering. Specific measures: continue weeding before sealing ridges, look at the seedlings as appropriate after water and fertilizer, early flowering stage should be topdressing for weak seedlings, not topdressing for strong seedlings to prevent overgrowth. The effect of topdressing phosphate fertilizer at flowering and pod stage was obvious, during this period, the leaf area of soybean reached the maximum, water consumption increased, transpiration intensity and water demand.
